As we mentioned a few days ago, when we received our new lumber we chose to stain it so it would look weathered–a brand new …
“Are those my clocks I hear?” –Dr. Emmet Brown
“Where we’re going we don’t need roads.” But we do need way to let players of Midnight on the Bayou know how much time they …
Keep creative on a tight leash, or else…
During our initial design phase, we gave Roy Davis free reign to create whatever he wanted for our first escape game. We figured he was …
Inner Workings of an Escape Room
When Roy Davis, our creative director, conceived Midnight on the Bayou he included clue chains that were both sophisticated and original, but which also required …
The Night is Dark…
Stepping into the room after the ceiling had been painted black was like stepping hours forward to midnight. You could imagine an entire Louisiana bayou …
Contract is Signed, Construction Begins
In our post, “The Start of Something New,” we talked briefly about the long delay from September through January when building plans were created and …
The Not-So-Great Beginning
“I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong. You can look at a painting for the first time, …
The Lighting Is Great But Needs Some… Atmosphere
The plain reception room really had us struggling to use our imaginations to see the finished product. Are you having a hard time? Let’s mosey …
Scaring Myself
or ‘Accidentally Finding a Ghost Story While Writing a Ghost Story’ I didn’t really expect to contact any spirits at our new escape room location the …
The Start of Something New
650+ calls to Craigslist and Loopnet ads 83 repeated calls to different cities to talk about zoning 35 tours of potential rooms… We’d been thinking …