Conduit on Walls

Inner Workings of an Escape Room

When Roy Davis, our creative director, conceived Midnight on the Bayou he included clue chains that were both sophisticated and original, but which also required …

Dark Ceiling

The Night is Dark…

Stepping into the room after the ceiling had been painted black was like stepping hours forward to midnight. You could imagine an entire Louisiana bayou …

Painting Day

The Not-So-Great Beginning

“I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong. You can look at a painting for the first time, …

Charlie McCarthy Hanging Out

Scaring Myself

or ‘Accidentally Finding a Ghost Story While Writing a Ghost Story’ I didn’t really expect to contact any spirits at our new escape room location the …

Parking Lot of our New Home

The Start of Something New

650+ calls to Craigslist and Loopnet ads 83 repeated calls to different cities to talk about zoning 35 tours of potential rooms… We’d been thinking …